Customer Care

Welcome to your new Home

At Alvair, we understand that the purchase of a new home is one of the biggest decisions you will make in your life. We have a 3-step approach to help this transition go as smoothly as possible for you.

  1. PRE OCCUPANCY WALK THROUGH - A few days before your move-in date, the Alvair Homeowner Care team will bring you in, to teach you about your new home features, appliances and warranties. Our team is here for you, so you can move forward with confidence.

  2. MOVE-IN DATE - When your new home is ready, our Homeowner Care team will be there to officially welcome you home and present you with your keys. You’ll also receive information on the setup of utilities, strata and other various homeownership items.

  3. SETTLING IN - Your satisfaction is important to us. We understand that with new spaces, and period of adjustment is necessary. Our Homeowner Care team is here to answer all of your questions. During the first 30 days, let us know if you need any help.



Home Warranty

You can sit back and relax knowing your new home is covered by Intact Insurance, an industry-leading insurance team. Your home is protected by the 2-5-10 new home warranty. That’s 2 years on labour and materials, 5 years on the building envelope which includes water penetration, and 10 years on structure.